Hello! My name is Claudia.
I’m a graphic recorder.

I am taking real-time visual notes. Of your presentation, your training or your meeting’s discussion. With marker on large-scale paper. Or digitally on the iPad.

Graphic Recording in progress ...

Graphic Recording in progress: Listening closely to capture the essence.

Why take visual notes?

Spoken words are fleeting. In fact it’s hard to remember all the important details of an hour-long event.

A Graphic Recording captures key messages visually, spatially and in a large format. Or on a virtual canvas, when working digitally. It serves the group as shared reference. And it helps to focus the discussion by making visible what’s being said.

After an event a picture lasts. It’s easy to share the graphic recording to remind people of key messages. Often people even take pictures themselves.

More about Graphic Recording


Digital Graphic Recording of the Beyond Growth Conference in Brussels

Digital Graphic Recording of
Beyond Growth Conference

European Parliament, Brussels & Online

Key visual for the Digital Graphic Recording of the Accelerating Transitions to build Open Strategic Autonomy in Europe conference

EESC, Brussels & Online

Detail of the visual summary of the Good Trade Summit displayed on an iPad

Visual Summary of
Sustaining Peace in Practice

Geneva Peace Week, Workshop

Key visual for the Digital Graphic Recording of the Sustainable Economy We Need conference

Digital Graphic Recording of
The Sustainable Economy We Need

EESC, Brussels & Online

Detail of the visual summary of the Good Trade Summit displayed on an iPad

Visual Summary of
The Good Trade Summit

International Trade Center, Virtual Summit

Versus Virus Logo

Remote Graphic Recording of
Versus Virus - Hackathon

Swiss Online Hackathon

Digital Graphic Recording of the Talk 'Teamwork & Well-being' displayed on an iPad

Impact Hub, Virtual Conference

Detail of graphic recording of the panel discussion on 'Investing in Food Systmes Transformation' during the World Economic Forum 2020

House of Switzerland at World Economic Forum 2020, Davos

Detail of graphic recording of summarizing the Keynote & Fireside chat of the Circualr Economy Incubator launch

Impact Hub Geneva, Switzerland

Detail of graphic recording at the Fireside Chat at Impact Hub Lausanne

Graphic Recording of
Fireside Chat on "Inspiration"

Impact Hub Lausanne, Switzerland

Detail of graphic recording at the 'Cicular Economy Initiative Launch Event'

Impact Hub Geneva, Switzerland

Detail from the visual summaries for 'TEDx Geneva 2018'

Visual Summary of
TEDx Geneva 2018

Les jours qui viennent

More Projects

Organizations I worked with

Let's talk

Are you interested in Graphic Recording in Geneva, Lausanne, Munich, and beyond? I am happy to discuss opportunities for your event or project.

Contact me