• Event: Investing in Food Systems Transformation - on the Road to the 2021 Food Systems Summit
  • Location: House of Switzerland, Davos
  • Keynote: Guy Parmelin - Swiss Federal Councillor
  • Moderation: Michelle Grant
  • Panelists:
    • Marta Antonelli - Research Director, Barilla Center for Food & Nutrition Foundation
    • Qu Dongyou - Director-General, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
    • Suni Harford - Member of the Group Executive Board, President Asset Management, UBS
    • Theo de Jager - President, World Farmer’s Organisation
    • Maness Nkhata - Owner, Lakeshore Agro-Processing Enterprise
  • Summary: Agnes Kalibata - Special Envoy for 2021 Food Systems Summit
  • Type: Keynote, Panel Discussion, Summary Presentation

Guy Parmelin highlighted in his keynote the need for a holistic view on food systems and mentioned Switzerland’s role as a hub for the food and finance sector.

What we eat, how it’s produced will be key to achieving many Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The panel discussion focused on how investment can accelerate this transformation towards sustainable food systems. “What to invest in?” and “How to invest?” were discussed by the panelists, representing different perspectives, from farming, over finance, to the FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations).

The Event was hosted by the Bundesamt für Landwirtschaft BLW (Swiss Federal Office for Agriculture) at the House of Switzerland, during the World Economic Forum 2020. Its results will be used to inform the UN Food Systems Summit in 2021.

Ready to go: Graphic Recording setup next to the stage

Ready to go: The Graphic Recording Setup next to the stage.

People taking picutres of the finalized Graphic Recording

People taking picutres of the finalized Graphic Recording.

Detail of the Graphic Recording showing take-aways from Agnes Kalibata

Detail of the Graphic Recording showing take-aways from Agnes Kalibata.

Graphic Recording used as backdrop to record a video statement

Graphic Recording used as backdrop to record a video statement.

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Graphic Recording used as backdrop to record a video statement.