Graphic Recording Services
for Workshops and Events

What is Graphic Recording?

(Also known as Visual Recording, Visual Notetaking, Live Scribing or Visual Harvesting.)

“A Graphic Recorder creates real-time visual notes that capture what people say.”

Graphic Recording turns spoken words and ideas into visuals. As a Graphic Recorder, I listen deeply, synthesize, and draw real-time visual summaries.

You can integrate this form of Visual Notetaking in meetings, workshops, conferences, and events. The visual summaries help capture the key points of the discussion. They can make it easier for participants to understand, remember, and engage with the content.

Simply put, a Graphic Recording makes visible what people say.

What about Graphic Facilitation or Sketchnoting?

Graphic Facilitation is a related but distinct service. As a Graphic Facilitator, I take an active role in the facilitation of an event. That means I focus not only on capturing information, but I also help to shape the conversation. (Contact me for more information about my Graphic Facilitation services.)

Further reading: Learn more about the difference between Graphic Recording and Graphic Facilitation on Wikipedia.

Finally, there is Sketchnoting. In my practice, Sketchnoting refers to my personal visual notes. These are usually small-scale, like in a sketchbook, and focused on my own interests.

Graphic Recording Examples

Explore some of my projects to learn more about the use cases.

Digital Graphic Recording of the Beyond Growth Conference in Brussels

Digital Graphic Recording of
Beyond Growth Conference

European Parliament, Brussels & Online

Key visual for the Digital Graphic Recording of the Accelerating Transitions to build Open Strategic Autonomy in Europe conference

EESC, Brussels & Online

Key visual for the Digital Graphic Recording of the Sustainable Economy We Need conference

Digital Graphic Recording of
The Sustainable Economy We Need

EESC, Brussels & Online

Detail of graphic recording of the panel discussion on 'Investing in Food Systmes Transformation' during the World Economic Forum 2020

House of Switzerland at World Economic Forum 2020, Davos

See all projects

What I Offer

As a Graphic Recorder, I visually capture key messages, whether in-person or online. Here’s how I can support your event:

Graphic Recording on Paper

I work live on large-scale paper, either on walls, free-standing pinboards, whiteboards, or a dedicated graphic wall. The classic marker-on-paper approach highlights the creative process of visual note taking. The visual is physically present in the space. This allows participants to see the ideas and key messages unfold over the course of the event.

Digital Graphic Recording on the iPad

Suitable for remote, onsite, or hybrid events. Here I draw digitally on my iPad and share my screen, allowing participants to follow along as I draw. For onsite events, I connect the iPad to a projector or screen via HDMI. In virtual settings, we can easily share the drawing process through video conferences or live-streaming.

In English and German

I offer Visual Recording in both English and German. I also speak and understand casual French, and enjoy international, multi-lingual settings. Whether your event is in English, German, or a mix of languages, I can adapt to your needs.

Are you interested in exploring together how to best support your event with Visual Recording?

Let’s talk!

Benefits of Visual Notetaking for your Events

Visual Recording turns conversations into a tangible, shareable outcome. It captures key messages in real-time and creates visual summaries that help participants, facilitators, and event organizers:

Get Clear on Key Messages

Information overload is real these days. With packed presentations, tight schedules, and back-to-back sessions, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed during events.

The truth is, our brains can’t process or retain too much information at once. While Visual Recording won’t reduce the amount of information, it can bring clarity. It distills the key messages and summarizes them visually for participants, making the content easier to grasp.

Participants can easily come back to this overview of important points in their own time. Be it during a break or afterwards when they’re ready to absorb the details.

You can use the Graphic Recording to recap the highlights of the day as part of your agenda. I’m happy to assist with that. This helps to anchor the information. Presenting the visual also makes it more memorable and meaningful for participants.

Remember More

We’ve all been there: you leave a meeting full of great ideas or an inspiring keynote. In the moment, you’re certain those key points will stick with you. But a week later, or even a month, how much do you actually recall?

That’s where Graphic Recording can help.

How? First, it deepens your understanding. When you understand something better, you’re more likely to remember it. Graphic Recording gives you a clear overview, shows connections, and adds a new perspective through visuals. This richer picture makes information easier to remember, especially for those who learn visually.

But it’s not just for those who like visuals. Combining audio and visuals helps everyone create a richer memory. And the richer the memory, the easier it is for people to recall it later.

Second, visual notes are perfect for recaps. We can use the visual to revisit the key points in a short session during the event. Or the participants explore the image during a break. A quick glance at the image, even weeks later, can bring the main ideas back to mind. And we all know, repetition strengthens memory.

How to Book Graphic Recording Services

To bring Graphic Recording to your next event, start by contacting me to discuss your event details and specific needs. I will provide a customized proposal outlining the scope of work and pricing.

After you confirm your booking, we finalize the logistics. Once the event is getting closer, we will have a briefing call for alignment. The purpose is to discuss any information needed for the preparation of the graphic recording.

On the event day, I will arrive with ample time to set up and get ready. Being well prepared and rested allows me to best capture and illustrate your event’s most important messages. After the event, you will receive high-quality digital images and the paper originals (if working on paper).

Let's talk

Are you interested in Graphic Recording in Geneva, Lausanne, Munich, and beyond? I am happy to discuss opportunities for your event or project.

Contact me